Consorzio Universitario Universalus

About Us

Il Consorzio Universitario Universalus  è stato fondato dall’Istituto Skinner e dall’Istituto Universalus con l’obiettivo di realizzare attività di ricerca scientifica, formazione universitaria e  formazione continua soprattutto negli ambiti disciplinari che riguardano la promozione della salute e del benessere, la medicina preventiva ed epigenetica, le professioni sanitarie, l’informatica e la digitalizzazione, lo sviluppo delle nuove tecnologie nei diversi contesti di vita, di lavoro e del tempo libero (domotica, robotica, nanotecnologie, etc.).

Per la realizzazione di tali obiettivi sarà fondamentale la partnership e l’aggregazione al Consorzio di Università, istituti di Ricerca scientifica, Enti, Aziende, italiane , etc.

The specific objective of the Universalus Consortium is to promote mental and physical health through scientific and clinical research, University education and lifelong learning, operational related activities, scientific divulgation and cultural dissemination activities in the discipline of medicine, biological sciences and pharmaceutical technologies, food science, nutraceuticals, phytotherapy of sustainable agriculture, motor sciences, behavioral and lifestyle sciences, etc. also trough the use of innovative technologies in training such as virtual interactive teaching.

In order to respond scientifically, always keeping human well-being as the main subject, the Consortium wants to make a contribution to identify the relationships and the importance that environmental, genetic and epigenetic factors play, allowing to map the relationships of biomarkers with the intake of drugs / supplements / nutrients, to detect interactions with routine biochemical-clinical tests and imaging data, promoting the application of personalized medicine.

In recent years, the concept of health has evolved from the declaration of "a mere absence of illness" to "a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being" (OMS).

Therefore, we cannot stop only at the physical and emotional state, but we have to consider other variations such as stress, and the ability to adapt to the environment and its changes.

The concept is emerging that parameters such as lifestyle, including diet and physical activity, "care" of one's microbiota, interactions between genetics, epigenetics and microbiomes, knowledge and management of certain metabolic needs, are considered strongholds of human well-being, coming to propose a medicine that does not cure only diseases, but a preventive medicine that propose well-being according to the OMS propositions.

New fields of research are born such as Nutraceutics, Cosmeceutics, the study of food supplements and nutraceuticals (probiotics and prebiotics), functional foods and foods for special medical purposes.

The need for a multidisciplinary approach emerges very strongly, where all the sciences of well-being (medicine, biology, natural and environmental sciences, psychology, pharmaceutical sciences, just to name some of them) could have a forum to face problems with a common language.

The final aim is to propose the subject of integrative medicine, a synergy of all the disciplines set out above, devoted to well-being of the person, that carefully uses all the appropriate and possible tools, without excluding any type of intervention, to get into a state of psycho-physical satisfaction of life.